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  • BeamReachBen

    • 60, United States
    • United States
    • Checked in 4 days ago

Experienced Sailor, active, ready to dive and grill (and stand watch?)

Hey folks, I'm Ben, 60, single and very active, and I have been sailing for seven years. I'm dedicated, have all my ASA certifications, PADI card, and I chartered boats frequently around Los Angeles where I lived until recently moving back to Maryland. I've also done a bunch of longer passages as crew, in the Caribbean as well as the Gulf, on larger Monos and Cats. A total of around 3000 miles ocean passages/cruising.

I worked in the Entertainment industry most of my career (I created Final Draft, the screenwriting software everyone uses) and these days I work some, play some, so I have some time to hit the water in search of both experience and adventure.

Should be noted, other than practical sailing experience, I also have other critical sailing skills down pat, though, such as mixing up a dry rub for a steak dinner or knowing where the cold beer is once we're docked! Dare I say Rum drinks?

If I might be a fit in your cruising crew needs, shoot me a message and we can chat about sailing plans and locations and all that. As I said earlier, my schedule is flexible, even for those who might need crew on fairly short notice.

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationUnited States

  • NationalityUnited States

  • Age60

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles500 - 2,500

  • Required position Competent Crew
    Mile building
    Delivery Crew

  • Location preferenceNorth America

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Jan 2017 ASA Basic Keelboat Complete

  • Jan 2020 ASA Cruising Catamaran Complete

  • Mar 2017 ASA asic Coastal Cruising Complete

  • Feb 2018 ASA Bareboat Chartering (Intermediate Coastal Cruising) Complete

  • Jan 2007 PADI - Open Water Complete

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