Looking for a Delivery Crew, Mile building, Racing crew or Deckhand position
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Delivery Crew, Mile building, Racing crew or Deckhand. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people! My name is Riley Richmond I am 22 years old from Canada currently based in New Zealand and I will be heading to Australia in March 2024. I had my first off shore passage this past June with a single hander. We sailed from Vanuatu to New Caledonia to New Zealand. I really enjoyed my time living and working on the boat over three months and got to learn so much about sailing. I worked in exchange for accommodation and was not paid, but I still really valued this experience. I shared cooking and cleaning duties both interior and exterior cleaning of the boat, made logs, and did my share of night watches. I would love to gain more skills and experience in sailing and would love the chance to join some of you! Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to hearing from you! Fair winds, Riley