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  • Emmie & Joschka

    • 29, German
    • Martinique
    • Checked in 11 months ago

Into the blue...

Hey everyone out there,
we are Emmie (27) & Joschka (28) from Germany.
We traveled across Europe and Middle East by hitchhiking for the past two and a half years. Our idea was to travel the world on land and sea without ever using an airplane. We couldn't make it further East than Iran, because of closed land borders and Visa complications. So we turned back to Europe and headed in the opposite direction. We managed to cross the Atlantic on a ship and are now in the Caribbean. Like so many we try our luck with sailboat hitchhiking. In sailing we see more of an ecological way of traveling and transport than an adventure. We're not trying to sail to do something amazing, something extraordinary. We are trying to travel in a way that fits or principles. Right now, after some sailboat hitchhiking and crewing experiences and a passage from Antigua to the Dominican Republic, we are trying to get to the Bahamas.
We are free for the rest of this year, and the next one, and the next one... We don't have any time limits.

Joschka is a carpenter and worked some years for the organisation of trader unions, he has organised workshops about demogracy and solidarity and youth camps. He's a very handy and inventive man. Loves wood and forests. He misses it a lot to be working with his hands on something longlasting, so he could be good company for a boatbuilding project or refitting.
Emmie is an illustrator and dancer, can do postcards, stickers, posters or little books, did writing, bookbinding and drawing workshops for children.
Both of us know how to cook decent meals on a camping stove with just one pot, how to manage with just two pair of pants and one pair of shoes, how to carry all our belongings in one backpack, how to have a conversation without a joint language and how to adapt quickly to new situations, locations, people and standards...
We already worked as cooks on a catamaran in Valencia for two weeks and can show a very good reference from that boats captain. In Portugal we lived two weeks on a wooden catamaran and helped refitting a Warram wreck. After crossing the Atlantic we lived on anchored monohulls in Martinique and Antigua. We hitched a ride on a sailboat from Martinique to Antigua on a catamaran and worked there in refitting boats. Somebody there gave us the opportunity to join a regatta. Currently we did a passage from Antigua to Dominican Republic as crew on a monohull...
We learned some knots and very basic knowledge of sailing. We aren't very seasick.
We speak Englisch and German, good French and a bit Spanish. While travelling we catched up some vocabulary in slavic languages, Turkish and Farsi.
We lived in a tent outside for two years, know how to get a long in a small space. We've got a lot of travel stories to tell, love to do handcrafts and cooking, don't mind to do cleaning jobs, watches and would try to be helpful whereever we can...
After two years luckily we still got some money in our pockets to pay contributions and share expenses.

It would be great to hear from someone.
Emmie and Joschka

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationMartinique

  • NationalityGerman

  • Age29

  • GenderFemale

  • Fluent languagesGerman, English

  • Basic knowledge ofSpanish, French

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles0 - 100

  • Required position Novice Crew
    Voluntary work

  • Location preferenceCaribbean

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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