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  • Jhonatan

    • 36, Argentina
    • Argentina
    • Checked in 1 day ago

Looking for a Voluntary work, Novice Crew or Friendship position

Hi sailors my name is Jhonatan. I'm venezuelan and argentinian citizen, currently living in Buenos Aires (Arg), where i run my own bussiness: a healthy store.

In 2020/2021 i took sailing lessons at Club Nautico de Ensenada (Ensenada´s Nautical Club) where i obtained my frist nautical habilitation as "Timonel" . In 2022 i joined as part of a crew, in a FAID 33 boat, to participate in regatas from Buenos Aires to Colonia (Uruguay) and its where i have perfected my principal skills saling more than 1000nm.

I consider my self lika a traveler, i'm always looking for chances to know new places and sailing around the world would be making true a dream. I like photography wich i consider a wonderfull tool to the sailing World.

Im looking for an oportunity to get more experience, i'm not expecting to be paid and would participate in boat expences or daily routine like: maintinance, cooking, watching and others aspects. If it is necesary i can travel to a near country like (Uruguay, Chile or Brazil) to board to a vessel

Update 2024: I remained sailing in regatas amd feel more confident, I've crossed severals times from Buenos Aires to Uruguay

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationArgentina

  • NationalityArgentina

  • Age36

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosYes

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles500 - 2,500

  • Required position Voluntary work
    Novice Crew

  • Location preferenceSouth America

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Bartender
  • Cocktail barman
  • Microsoft office
  • Photo editing
  • Video editing
  • Blogger/Writer
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Teaching
  • Musician
  • Managerial Skills
  • Cooking
  • Canyoning
  • Fishing
  • Line handling
  • Watch-keeping
  • Navigation
  • Photography
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