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  • Clemroc

    • 32, French
    • Canada
    • Checked in 4 months ago

Friendly semi-experienced sailor for Caribbean - Available April 2024

I'm looking to join a crew for island-hopping around the Caribbean islands. Available starting April, flexible dates. Willing to contribute to costs.

I have an RYA dayskipper certificate, and have done some sailing in the Caribbean. I can do day and night watch, cook while under passage (even in choppy seas), and help around the boat with any task.

I’m also a big fan of snorkeling/spearfishing, so I’d love to be able to do that too.

- I’m natively fluent in French, English and Spanish.
- I’m physically fit, I don’t smoke, and I don’t do drugs.
- I am clean & orderly, am not a picky eater, and have never been seasick.

Can provide references from previous captain.

Fair winds!

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationCanada

  • NationalityFrench

  • Age32

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish, Spanish, French

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs B1 / B2 visa (or American citizenship)

  • Sea miles0 - 100

  • Required position Competent Crew
    Mile building

  • Location preferenceCaribbean

  • Expected arrangement Recreational

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  • Jul 2021 RYA Day Skipper Practical Complete

  • Jul 2023 RYA Day Skipper Theory Progressing

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  • Microsoft office
  • Tennis
  • Climbing
  • Free-diving
  • Fishing
  • Line handling
  • Watch-keeping
  • Fore and aft trimming
  • Cleaning
  • Managerial Skills
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