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  • JACEN458

    • 52, British and Australian
    • Wales
    • Checked in 2 months ago

Adventure before Dementia ;-)

I have joined Crewbay after meeting others who have used the system successfully.
Now retired I am sailing with a local charity but always looking for sailing adventures to fill my time and improve my sea skills. In the medium term I am wanting to cross the Atlantic (ARC) and race in the Sydney to Hobart.
I have returned to sailing since Covid after a few years out for family and completed over 2700 Nm in 2023.
I'm available for deliveries or assist owners in sailing their yachts as either (or) Crew, deckhand, watch lead… etc
In addition I am an Electrician and Engineer who is very handy with most boat systems, (after I get some time to understand them) as well as previously having a career as an Offshore (petrochemical) commissioning engineer. I am particularly confident in assisting you in the completion (testing and fault finding) of your upgraded system/s or general maintenance including works on the hard.
Content to pay travel expenses and fair subsistence costs. I also produce a decent meal or two (both offshore and on) and always pull my weight cleaning and looking after the vessel.
In addition to my ICC (Day-skippers) ticket, I have listed my other tickets on the system. I am now working towards my Costal Skipper's certificate.
After 100+ night hours this last year, I am content to lead a shift in overnight legs for sea passages.
Looking forward to meeting like minded young at heart sailors.

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About me

  • Availability 29th April 2024

  • LocationWales

  • NationalityBritish and Australian

  • Age52

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles500 - 2,500

  • Required position Delivery Crew
    Racing crew
    Mile building

  • Location preferenceEurope

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Aug 2023 RYA Day Skipper Practical Complete

  • Apr 2023 RYA Day Skipper Theory Complete

  • Jan 2023 RYA Sea Survival Complete

  • Nov 2023 RYA Coastal Skipper Progressing

  • Jan 2023 RYA 1st Aid Complete

  • Nov 2023 VHF Radio Telephony Progressing

  • Aug 2023 ICC Power/Sail Complete

  • May 2000 PADI - Advanced Open Water Complete

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  • Provisioning
  • Cooking
  • Scuba diving
  • Windsurfing
  • Tennis
  • Line handling
  • Watch-keeping
  • Rig maintenance/Set-up
  • Fore and aft trimming
  • Radio Operator
  • Weather planning
  • Navigation
  • Helmsmen
  • Tender driving
  • Marine First Aid
  • Diesel engine repair
  • Electrical Engineering
  • General building
  • Varnishing
  • Polishing
  • Cleaning
  • Plumbing and Heating
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