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  • Crist

    • 37, Mexican
    • Mexico
    • Checked in 4 months ago

Looking for a 2nd Officer, Captain, 3rd Officer or 1st Officer position

Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a 2nd Officer, Security Officer, 3rd Officer ,1st Officer or Captain I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!

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About me

  • Availability 26th August 2024

  • LocationMexico

  • NationalityMexican

  • Age37

  • GenderFemale

  • Fluent languagesSpanish, English

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosYes

  • VISAs B1 / B2 visa (or American citizenship)

  • Sea miles2,500 - 10,000

  • Required position 2nd Officer
    3rd Officer
    1st Officer

  • Expected arrangement Professional

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  • Mar 2021 STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft Rescue boats Complete

  • Mar 2022 STCW Basic Safety Training Complete

  • Mar 2022 STCW Fire Fighting Complete

  • Mar 2022 STCW Personal Safety and Social Responsibility Complete

  • Mar 2022 GMDSS (GOC) Complete

  • Mar 2022 STCW2010 Compliant Complete

  • Mar 2022 STCW Proficiency in Medical Care Complete

  • Mar 2022 STCW Advanced Fire Fighting Complete

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