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  • Peter J Lee

    • 71, Btitish
    • United Kingdom
    • Checked in 1 year ago

Sailing, Cruising, Delivering, Skipper, Navigator, Crew.

EX-RN / Merchant Navy / Fire Service (Chartered Engineer)
Experience with most powered craft ( Fire / Lifeboat Coxwain), Sailing experience with mono hulls and large catemarans, have sailed boats in the waters around the U.K. parts of the Mediterranean, Baltic, Black Sea, US East coast, Caribbean, Indian and Pacific Oceans. - (Some Photographs see Facebook)
I sail because I enjoy it, I’m happy to contribute to costs for relaxed non commercial deliveries, cruising, exploring or assisting owners to relocate a boat at a gentle cruising pace.
For commercial work and straight deliveries, I expect to be paid and where appropriate, my expenses and travel costs covered.

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationUnited Kingdom

  • NationalityBtitish

  • Age71

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles10,000+

  • Required position Competent Crew
    Delivery Crew

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Aug 2008 RYA Oceanmaster Theory Complete

  • Jul 1976 MCA Sea Survival Complete

  • May 2006 1st Aid Complete

  • Feb 1989 Boatmaster Complete

  • Jun 1973 RYA Coastal Skipper Complete

  • Jun 1973 RYA Power Boat Level II Complete

  • Jul 1976 RYA Safety Boat Certificate Complete

  • Jul 1976 Navigational Watch Rating Complete

  • Jul 1976 Safety Boating Course Complete

  • Jun 1976 RYA Diesel Engine Maintenance Complete

  • Oct 1988 VHF Radio Telephony Complete

  • Feb 1973 Rescue Diver Complete

  • Jul 1975 Dive Master Complete

  • Jan 1975 Safety at Sea/Sea Survival Complete

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  • Microsoft office
  • Photo editing
  • Software development
  • Waterskiing
  • Fishing
  • Route planning
  • Filing & Fairing
  • Watch-keeping
  • Whipping and splicing
  • Rig maintenance/Set-up
  • Fore and aft trimming
  • Rigging
  • Radio Operator
  • Weather planning
  • Navigation
  • Helmsmen
  • Tender driving
  • Diesel engine repair
  • Fiberglass Repair
  • Managerial Skills
  • IT Literate
  • Line handling
  • Sail repairs
  • Crane Operation
  • Provisioning
  • Blogger/Writer
  • Photography
  • Marine First Aid
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Carpentary
  • Plumbing and Heating
  • Varnishing
  • Cleaning
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