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  • Pirata

    • 59, Portugal
    • Portugal
    • Checked in 2 days ago

Looking for

I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Ideally I like to travel with couples who need qualified help in some steps

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationPortugal

  • NationalityPortugal

  • Age59

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesFrench, English, Spanish, Portuguese

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles10,000+

  • Required position Competent Crew
    Electrical Engineer

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Oct 2017 RYA Coastal Skipper Complete

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A fine sailor and excellent cruising support


Over a period of almost a month, we sailed from Lagos to Vigo. We had some great sailing and quite a lot of motoring as we sailed north, against the prevailing winds. Paulo proved to be great in all conditions and he is a very fine sailor and helmsman. More importantly, he is a top guy, friendly, will make recommendations and help across all aspects of cruising. Two stops, in particular, stand out: Setubal and Figueira Da Foz, neither of which I would have visited had Paulo not been on board. They are place to which I hope to return later in the year. During a 10 day stay in Setubal (Paulo's home city) due to weather, I also got to meet some of his friends, from whom I received a warm welcome. Paulo was my tour guide and he also hosted me in his home. I have no hesitation in recommending and endorsing Paulo very highly, indeed, and I am hopeful that we will sail together again. He would be a great addition to any crew.

15th Jul 2024

The real salty dog


Pirate revealed himself to be a very experienced, knowledgeable and confident sailor, and comes with the gift of good knowledge about what I call "general boating culture" (mechanics, electricity, etc. etc.), something I value very much. He's highly recommended and a very valuable asset to have around that I hope to welcome back on board. Thank you Paulo for participating in this challenging yet wonderful journey.

29th Aug 2022

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